Current Courses

a woman carrying her child on her back on a field of grass

Childhood Trauma and Adversity

Childhood Trauma and Adversity is a seminar-style course exploring how childhood trauma impacts behavioral, emotional, cognitive, and biological functioning over the lifespan. This course examines multifaceted sources of trauma, including systemic and intergenerational traumas that contribute to health disparities. The course also covers resiliency, prevention, treatment, and advocacy. As part of the course requirements, we read multiple case studies and practice case conceptualization to understand how adverse childhood experiences impact mental health and well-being. To learn more, check out the Fall 2022 Childhood Trauma and Adversity Syllabus.

woman holding laptop and writing on white baird

Applied Data Science

Applied Topics in Data Science explores the application of data science technologies to topics relevant to psychological scientists. Example topics include precision medicine and AI assisted diagnostic testing; wearable sensors, pervasive computing, and AI-based emotion sensing; and bias in machine learning models and its implications for health equity. This class includes short lectures, class discussions, lab assignments, and an applied group project where students have an opportunity to apply the skills learned in class to a real-world problem. The class is taught primarily in a “flipped class” structure where time is allotted for coding, group work, and consultation with the instructor.

Psychology Research Credit

Students in the psychology major at UT Austin who participate in our lab as research assistants will be eligible for course credit in the class code, PSY 357. This research position will include 10+ hours of weekly commitment to lab tasks as well as attendance at various meetings. Students will also have the opportunity to be mentored by the TIES doctoral students, Dr. Adela Timmons, and other collaborators, whether this be for an honors thesis or even applications to graduate school. If you are interested in becoming an RA and also applying for credit, please talk to your academic advisor and email or


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